a romantic doll
Jabote was born from the imagination of her future mother. She first wanted her with blonde hair, then decided on red hair with green eyes.
She also saw her as romantic. So I asked to show me via Pinterest the codes of romanticism. Clothes, colors, attitudes, all these little details that make the difference.
Zélie in her beautiful romantic twirl dress
After some research and discussions on the subject, a doll's outfit I had previously made had particularly attracted my customer’’s attention. Zélie became my model.
I got down to my task and Jabote was born. Certainly, it took me a while to make my mind for the accessories, but the result I like a lot. A lot of sweetness emerges from this little outfit.
I particularly love her little cardigan, it was made from about a hundred of tiny granny squares
I particularly love her little cardigan. It was made from about a hundred tiny granny squares. I’m planning, when I find time, to write a tutorial on how to make a cardigan like this one. It’s quite easy, but a little tricky to assemble the different elements. I must say it took me AGES to assemble ahahaha! But there it is! And it fits her to perfection! But I don’t even dare think of making one for myself!!!
Another detail I’m particularly proud of is her hairband. I used many little stemmed paper flowers. I must admit it was really easy and quick to make. If you would like a tutorial, please let me know and comment below. I would be very glad to share with you.
Her dress. Ahhh, her dress! How I would love to wear one like this! Even if it’s designed for very special occasions, I find it so feminine and romantic I would even like to make one for myself… maybe one day, when my daughters get married! The fluffy petticoat is made of taffetas fabric and is super nice as it holds well. I got inspired by one of Jean-Paul Gauthier’s designs to create the layering effect, and the nicest front curve.
I was inspired by Jean-Paul Gauthier’s design to create Jabote’s dress
Another clothing item I want to focus on is Jabote’s underwear. I’m quite tired of the usual girl’s panties! I wanted something more… out of date, more vintage, and above all more elegant! So I designed a little romper-styled garment. I decided to fully line it -let me tell you it ruined my brain to figure out how to assemble it to have no raw edges!
a fully lined romper as underwear
A little embroidery detail at the front and some lace at the back and voila! A cute little underwear for a cute little doll! And it fits her so nicely!
I hope you spent a nice time reading Jabote’s adventure, please comment below if you want to say hi or ask any questions, I’d be glad to come back to you!
See you soon!