Fabienne, notre Petite Dame...
Ma Petite Dame
English version:
Let me introduce myself: I’m Fabienne. Sev calls me "Sa Petite Dame". She says everything seems so peaceful around me, that I'm relaxed, listening, and very easy going. I was born during the chaos of Notre Dame, and I helped her to soothe her mind. I felt the tumult in her heart as she was getting me dressed. I felt a slight tremor in her hands as she was doing my hair. When her eyes crossed mine, I saw the reflection of the flames that her tears were trying to soothe. So, I watched her intensely with my glass eyes. And I thought hope was there, that history was that, with its ups and downs. That life depends on our vision of things, the way we react, our interactions. We must be strong to have the right reflexes. The fire knights had that tenacity that allowed La Belle to stay upright ... Let's be proud. Our Lady is there, and her story will continue to accompany and enchant us.
Version française:
Je me présente: Fabienne. Sev m’a surnommée “Sa Petite Dame”. Elle dit que tout semble si paisible près de moi, que je suis reposante, à l’écoute, et très facile à vivre. Je suis née pendant le chaos de Notre-Dame, et je l’ai aidée à apaiser son esprit. Elle a du ressenti. J’ai senti le tumulte dans son coeur pendant qu’elle me parait. J’ai ressenti un léger tremblement dans ses mains pendant qu’elle me coiffait. Quand son regard a croisé le mien, j’ai vu le reflet des flammes que ses larmes tentaient d’apaiser. Alors, je l’ai regardée, intensément, avec mes yeux de verre. Et je me suis dit que l’espoir était là, que l’histoire c’était ça, avec ses hauts et ses bas. Que la vie dépend de notre vision des choses, de la façon dont nous réagissons, de nos intéractions.
Nous devons être forts pour avoir les bons réflexes. Les hommes du feu ont eu cette ténacité qui a permis à La Belle de rester debout… Restons fiers. Notre-Dame est bien là, et son histoire continuera à nous accompagner et à nous enchanter.
Bien à vous,
Let's be proud. Our Lady is there, and her story will continue to accompany and enchant us.
Fabienne is 10 inches and she has her legs and arms fully bendable. She has button joints at the shoulders and hips, with wooden buttons. Her hair is natural thin mohair sewn into a wig. She has glass teddy bear eyes. Fabienne is looking for loving arms to welcome her.
She will come to you fully dressed and accessorized, with her birth cerficate. Here’s what she’ll come with:
a white cotton pair of bloomers
a pair of flowery high socks
a white tulle petticoat
an oversized linen dress, frayed at the bottom, with tulle accents at the wrists, and lace at the neck
a crochet scarf with beads
a crochet straw hat
a pair of leather clogs made by me
a leather shouder bag
If you would like to give Fabienne a home, please fill in the form at the end of this post with your name and adresses. Her base price is 250€ or more if you feel like it. The shipping prices are indicated below. The form will be up till Friday 19th at midnight French time zone, or 6pm EDT.
The winner of the doll will be contacted by email. A paypal invoice will be sent soon after.
Shipping cost from France:
national: 8€
Europe: 13€
international: 20€
Fabienne will come to you in her nice box with some goodies and will be posted when I return from holiday on April 29th.
Thank you so much for your support!
With much love,