Today I've been working on Yvon's outfit: linen suspender shorts, a cotton voile boy's shirt and a pair of bootees. Pfewww! What a day! The little boy has been so patient during the numerous measurings and trials, I proposed him to rest a bit and play with my collection of Peter Rabbit figurines. He loved it, and still found the courage to draw a smile while I was taking the photos! What a nice little boy he is!

As I had announced in a facebook post, I'm planning a special outfit for Yvon. So I'll complete today's made clothes with two pieces of garment I want to keep secret for the moment! -Hehehe- I'll show you how they turned out once they're made, but I know in advance it'll need some trials and adjustments... but Shhhh, I'm already saying too much!
Earlier in the week, I worked on new Titi Dolls. I'm nearly at the end of the waiting list, so I'll announce here and on my Facebook page once new order spots will open.

Beside this, I'm working on a cuddle baby doll you'll discover soon, and I'm preparing a custom doll for March. Pics soon as they come!